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domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Uma Bomba

Confesso que essa fala do Greenspan é, de longe, a mais próxima da nossa realidade.

No entanto é domingo à tarde e estou indo para meu descanso mental.

Vejam o vídeo e traduzam as partes mais importantes do que ele falou com o tradutor da pagina, ou no Google tradutor.

 Greenspan states the odds of sequester occurring are very high – in fact, the playdough-faced ex-Chair-head notes, “I find it very difficult to find a scenario in which [the sequester] doesn’t happen” But when asked how this will affect the economy, Awkward Alan is unusually clearly spoken - “the issue is how does it affect the stock market.”

He admits “the stock market is the key player in the game of economic growth.”

Greenspan explains that while the sequester will have a real effect on the real economy, “if the stock market can hold up through this, then the effect will be rather minor.”

Fiscal problems? “The problem is so severe at this stage that unless we come to terms with it in a large way, we are running into very serious trouble,” but Dr. Greenspan, if stocks stay up, it’s all good right? 

O que posso comentar como meu pensamento é que estamos bem perto de uma virada de mesa nesse bar de loucos chamado economia

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