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sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012

Tantas coisas acontecendo, não é?

Essas são  várias corridas malucas.

Mas vamos ver pelo lado bom; O falastrão do Hugo Chaves vai para o céu encontrar com seu deus.

A Microsoft lançou o Windows 8, aquele que você põe no computador e nada.

O pessoal do mensalão, depois de julgados pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça da nação, vão recorrer para não acabarem presos.

 Tudo novidade.

Mas a melhor de todas as coisas boas é que o Obama está pensando em acabar com o teto da dívida americana para sempre. Sabem, não é?

Já que é preciso fazer a economia crescer, criar empregos e coisa e tal, vamos acabar com essas de limitar gastos de qualquer pessoa, governo, seja municipal, estadual ou federal. Cortar gastos? ...Nem pensar.
Está preparado para 2013?

Agarre o rabo do foguete porque do jeito que vai o SP500 acaba o ano em 3000 pontos fácil. Bovespa então vai alcançar o sonho do operador do índice futuro, 120.000 pontos.

Esse mundo louco.

Mas usem o tradutor ai em cima e leiam esse vaticino.

“The problem with Bernanke's theory is that the economic world is caught in a massive world-wide cycle of deflation -- more goods produced than can be consumed.  Normally, the deflationary trend would fully express itself through a primary bear market that would get rid of the weak hands and those who don't deserve to survive. This would result in stocks declining to the point where they would once again represent great values. 

The theory espoused by the world's central banks is that they can control the planet's economic cycles.  Actually, I believe what is happening is that the seemingly endless flood of fiat currency is creating a series of bubbles, which, in the course of time, is fated to burst.  The bursting of these various bubbles will result in the bear market being far worse than would otherwise have been the case.  As Shakespeare put it, “What fools these mortals be.”

Following the 1929 crash, the stock market embarked on a huge recovery that lasted into early 1930.  Most present-day analysts are very familiar with the 1929-30 episode.  So today's stock market had to do something different in order to draw retail investors (and pros) back in to the market.  

What the market did this time was to produce an even bigger and longer-lasting post-crash recovery.  The recovery has lasted far longer than most experts expected and has carried the Dow within 500 points of its 2007 record high. 

The 2008-09 bear market decline was swift and violent.  It was over almost before most investors knew what had hit them.  According to the law of alternation, the next bear market decline should be just the opposite in character of the 2008-09 decline.  The next decline should be slow and lazy, with stocks sinking in a deceptive, leisurely manner, sinking in a lazy way that scares nobody.”

Se isso não é nada, veja isso:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has seen his health become a hot topic in Moscow in recent months after he cancelled a number of foreign engagements. Rumors so far have revolved around a back injury incurred wither through judo or crane-flying, while other, darker reports have pointed towards terminal cancer.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/japan-russia-talks-cancelled-2012-11#ixzz2DjVlsylJ

O fato é que todos estamos morrendo, mas os governantes parecem estar apostando corrida.

Que vença o pior.

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